Thanks to Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California

New Media Literacy describes ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms, and to leverage these media for persuasive communication.

The explosion in user-generated media including the videos, blogs, and podcasts that now dominate our social lives, will be fully felt in workplaces in the next decade. Communication tools that break away from the static slide approach of programs such as PowerPoint will become commonplace, and with them expectations of worker ability to produce content using these new forms will rise dramatically.

The next generation of workers will need to become fluent in forms such as video, able to critically "read" and assess them in the same way that they currently assess a paper or presentation. They will also need to be comfortable creating and presenting their own visual information. Knowledge of fonts and layouts was once restricted to a small set of print designers and typesetters, until word processing programs brought this within the reach of everyday office workers.

Similarly, user-friendly production editing tools will make video language—concepts such as frame, depth of field etc—part of the common vernacular.

As immersive and visually stimulating presentation of information becomes the norm, workers will need more sophisticated skills to use these tools to engage and persuade their audiences.

New Media Literacy wird mit Neue Medien Kompetenz übersetzt, was begrifflich nicht richtig ist.

Literacy bedeutet lesen, schreiben, rechnen lernen. Im engeren Sinne bezieht sich auf Alphabetisierung.

Kompetenz ist die Einheit der Unterscheidung von Wissen und Können. Aus der Sicht von neuen Medien betrachtet wissen viele Schüler wie sie mit Facebook lesen und schreiben und können souverän damit umgehen. Der Schwerpunkt der neuen Medien Kompetenz liegt für sie am Können.

Richtig wäre auch im Englischen New Media Competency zu verwenden.