Suprastrukturierte Unternehmen

Die Organisationsform der Unternehmen in Wertschöpfungsökosystemen (Business Value Ecosystems) ist suprastrukturiert (superstructured).

merkmale supra strukturierter organisationen

Suprastrukturierte Unternehmen benötigen Geschäftsprozesse, in denen die Entscheidungen nicht nur auf Basis von "if - then", sondern auch auf Basis von Big Data Korrelationen getroffen werden.

Die Leistungserbringung richtet sich auf alle vier Stakeholderkategorien ab Minute 11:50

Vier Kundenkategorien ab Minute 5:15

Un-sicherheitskultur wird gelebt - keine Fokussierung auf Scheinsicherheiten

Die bisher dominierende Sicherheitskultur der tayloristischen Epoche wird für die Unsicherheitskultur Platz machen, so dass auch folgende Kompetenzen an Bedeutung gewinnen werden.


Komplex ist nicht kompliziert

Komplexitätsreduktion durch selektive Wahrnehmung

Komplexer Lernvorgang

Organisierte Organisationslosigkeit - erklärt von Eduardo Galeano


VUCA - volatility (Volatilität ‚Unbeständigkeit), uncertainty (Unsicherheit), complexity (Komplexität) und ambiguity (Mehrdeutigkeit)

Superstructed Organizations

Social technologies drive new forms of production and value creation. 

(Source: Future Work Skills 2020 - ©2011 Institute for the Future  University of Phoenix Research Institute.)

«New technologies and social media platforms are driving an unprecedented reorganization of how we produce and create value.

Amplified by a new level of collective intelligence and tapping resources embedded in social connections with multitudes of others, we can now achieve the kind of scale and reach previously attainable only by very large organizations.

In other words, we can do things outside of traditional organizational boundaries.

To “superstruct” means to create structures that go beyond the basic forms and processes with which we are familiar.

It means to collaborate and play at extreme scales, from the micro to the massive.

Learning to use new social tools to work, to invent, and to govern at these scales is what the next few decades are all about.

Our tools and technologies shape the kinds of social, economic, and political organizations we inhabit.

Many organizations we are familiar with today, including educational and corporate ones, are products of centuries-old scientific knowledge and technologies.

Today we see this organizational landscape being disrupted.

In health, organizations such as Curetogether and PatientsLikeMe are allowing people to aggregate their personal health information to allow for clinical trials and emergence of expertise outside of traditional labs and doctors’ offices.

Science games, from Foldit to GalaxyZoo, are engaging thousands of people to solve problems no single organization had the resources to do before.

Open education platforms are increasingly making content available to anyone who wants to learn.

A new generation of organizational concepts and work skills is coming not from traditional management/organizational theories but from fields such as game design, neuroscience, and happiness psychology.

These fields will drive the creation of new training paradigms and tools.»

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